
LONG PartsPros FAQ

What are your locations and hours?

LONG PartsPros has warehouses in Littleton, CO, Grand Junction, CO, and Murray, UT. We are open 7:30am to 4:00pm MST from Monday through Friday.

Can I pick up my order from your warehouse?

Many, though not all, items are available for customer pick-up at our warehouse in Littleton, CO. Contact us for questions on the availability of an item for pick-up or to inquire about a pick-up from our Murray, UT warehouse.

Do you ship internationally?

No, LONG can only ship to locations within the United States.

What do I do if I cannot find the part that I need?

If you are not seeing what you are looking for, feel free to call us at 855-566-4778 or email

I created an account and/or placed an order but didn’t receive an email?

If you do not receive an email after creating an account or placing an order, please check your spam or junk inbox first. If you still do not see the email, please contact us directly at

Do I have to enter a Purchase Order Number or Order comment checkout?

These fields are optional during checkout. You may leave them blank.

How can I change or cancel my order after it is placed?

Contact us directly by emailing or calling 855-566-4778 for any changes to placed orders.

What other solutions does LONG Building Technologies provide?

LONG Building Technologies engineers, secures, services, and automates systems in commercial buildings. Please visit the manufacturer partner area of our website to view all of our solution partners as well as the territories we serve. You can also contact LONG directly for other inquiries regarding Building Automation, HVAC Equipment, HVAC Service, or Security Solutions in addition to Parts.

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